愛德華貝曲醫生在1886年於 英國伯明翰 Birmingham 近郊 Mosely 出生。是一位家庭醫生、內科及外科醫生、細菌學專家。從事傳統西醫學工作多年,卻不認同主流醫學在治療過程中出現的副作用及對身體的不必要破壞力而做成痛苦。他偏向當時19世紀德國內科醫生赫尼曼 (Dr Samuel Hahnemann) 始創的順勢療法治療理念。專心研究出交為安全、溫和、無侵害性的治療方法。
1928 - 1932 年 貝曲醫生首先發現 12 種療劑 稱為性格花藥。
1933 - 1934 年 出現 7 種輔助花藥。
1935 年 3月 - 8月 再找出 19 種新花藥。
1936年11月27日 貝曲醫生在睡夢中安祥離世。所有著作、文獻、研究留傳至今。
If we follow our own instincts, our own wishes, our own thoughts, our own desires, we should never know anything but joy and health
All Photos from Healing Herbs Ltd

Free Thyself Ye Suffer From Yourself Heal Thyself
The real primary diseases of man are such defects as pride, cruelty,hate, self-love, ignorance, instability and greed; and each of these, ifconsidered, will be found to be adverse to Unity. Such defects as theseare the real diseases using the word in the modem sense), and it is acontinuation and persistence in such defects after we have reached thatstage of development when we know them to be wrong, which precipitatesin the body the injurious results which we know as illness.
Human Emotions

Free Thyself Ye Suffer From Yourself Heal Thyself
It is allowing the interference of other people that stops our listening to the dictates of our soul, and that brings
disharmony and disease. The moment the thought of anotherperson enters our minds, it deflects us from our true course